Unser Deutschlandmärchen

nach dem Roman von Dinçer Güçyeter

Dinçer Güçyeter’s novel presents the voices of three generations of women – told by the son of Fatma, who arrives in Germany in 1965 as the wife of a Turkish guest worker. The poetic language, sociographic accuracy and the lifelike figures make this novel a fascinating material for theatre.


Venue Kammer
Duration 01:40 hours, without breaks
Age For everyone from 14
Introduction 17:30 – Kammerfoyer

Cast on 03/02/25, 06:00 pm

Bühne und Kostüme Sophie Lichtenberg
Video David Gerards
Licht Manuel Michels
Dramaturgie Sara Gabor
Dinçer Furkan Yaprak
Yilmaz, Arzt, Polizist Shehab Fatoum
Hanife, Schuhverkäuferin, Kind, Mann, Kurde Petya Alabozova
Zeynep, Kindergärtnerin, Mann, Kurde Puah Kriener