Die Möwe

von Anton Tschechow

Deutsch von Angela Schanelec

Summer holidays by the lake, longing is in the air. Love stories, family quarrels, a shot seagull and a debate about old and new, good and not-so-good art. Director Alina Fluck opens the season with the tragicomedy »The Seagull« and a focus on the playful expression of complex characters.


Venue Großes Haus
Age For everyone from 15
Introduction 16:30 – Großes Haus

Cast on 12/29/24, 05:00 pm

Regie Alina Fluck
Licht Eduard Joebges / Yannik Funken
Dramaturgie Lucien Strauch
Arkadina Elke Borkenstein
Sorin Torsten Borm
Mascha Caro Braun
Kostja Jonas Dumke
Trigorin Tim Knapper
Medwedenko Dara Lalo