Oppenhoff. Mohren. Cohn.

Ein Widerstands-Musical

von Florian Fischer und Kerstin Grübmeyer

mit Musik von Malcolm Kemp


For the first time since 1945, a radical right-wing party has such a noteable number of voters and followers. »Oppenhoff« is dedicated to the fighters of the past and present and helps us understand how to resist in the future, with the
unifying power of songs.


Bühne Katharina Pia Schütz
Kostüme Marcus Karkhof
Musikalische Leitung Malcolm Kemp
Licht Dirk Sarach-Craig
Dramaturgie Kerstin Grübmeyer
Piano/Keyboard Gero Körner
Gitarren Malcolm Kemp
Kontrabass Johannes Vos
Schlagzeug Samuel Reissen

Some of those
that work forces
Are the same that
burn crosses