Auf See

von Theresia Enzensberger, Bühnenfassung von Theresa Thomasberger & Sara Gabor


What will the future look like on the European continent? Will the market finally rule everything? Where will we live – on artificial islands in the Baltic Sea or in tent cities in public parks? How are we evolving as a community? The contemporary German novel »Auf See« turns an utopist experiment into a dystopia.


Venue Kammer
Duration 01:25 hours, without breaks
Age For everyone from 14
Introduction 19:30 – Kammerfoyer

Cast on 07/03/24, 08:00 pm

Inszenierung Theresa Thomasberger
Bühne und Kostüme Mirjam Schaal
Licht Manuel Michels
Musik Malcolm Kemp
Video David Gerards
Dramaturgie Sara Gabor
Viktor, Rudolph, Nicholas, Randy Thomas Hamm