Sara Gabor

→ Dramaturgie, Text

Sara Gabor
© Matthias Baus

Sara Gabor, born 1992 in Budapest, studied Dramaturgy at the University of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest (SzFE) and Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research in Frankfurt a. M. and Brussels. In Hungary, she worked in the independent scene as a dramaturg and writer in different genres from puppet to dance to spoken theater and as a permanent dramaturg from 2018 to 2021 at Örkény István Theater in Budapest. Her documentary play »Kutyaportéka« and her Kohlhaas adaptation appeared in an anthology series for Hungarian contemporary plays. From season 23.24 she is dramaturge for theater at the Theater Aachen.

Participates in

200 Minuten Theater Aachen: Im Dienste der »Volksgemeinschaft« – Historische Doku-Serie über das Theater

200 Minuten Theater Aachen: Wie alles begann! – Historische Doku-Serie über das Theater

Baumeister Solness – von Katharina Grosch nach Henrik Ibsen

Der blaue Vogel – von Maurice Maeterlinck

fünf minuten stille – von Leo Meier

House of Karls – von Dlé

Unser Deutschlandmärchen – nach dem Roman von Dinçer Güçyeter

Vom Fischer und seiner Frau – Musikalisches Märchen von Katharina Grosch und Malcolm Kemp

Open Session – Session zum Mittanzen und Zuschauen

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