Nele Stuhler

→ Text, Regie

Nele Stuhler
© Birgit von Bally

Nele Stuhler was born in Krefeld and grew up in Berlin. She studied Volksbühne in Berlin, Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen and took part in the »FORUM TEXT« course at uniT Graz. Thus she is officially authorised to write and secretly direct. Both sometimes alone or also gladly together with others. For example, with the performance collective FUX, founded in 2011, and in the directing and text duo Stuhler/Koslowski. Among others in Berlin, Frankfurt, Graz, Cologne and Vienna. In each case at theatres there. Most recently she worked on »DIE CHOR« together with Hannah Dörr and Irina Sulaver at the Volksbühne Berlin. She also wrote the »Gaia« trilogy, which premiered at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin and the Staatstheater Nuremberg, and wrote the play»Keine Ahnung«, the radio play »Keine Ahnung« and the book »Keine Ahnung«, which was published by Korbinian Verlag in 2021.

Participates in

Lady Tartuffe – von StuhlerKoslowski

Why are you making theater?
For sinister reasons.
Where do you feel at home?
Close to the safe distance.
What profession would you have in a parallel universe?
The same. (Why?)