Kerstin Grübmeyer

→ Chefdramaturgin Schauspiel, Text, Leitung Schauspiel

Kerstin Grübmeyer
© Matthias Baus

Kerstin Grübmeyer, born in Bonn in 1976, studied theatre studies and German language and literature in Berlin and completed in-service training in theatre and music management at the LMU and Theatre Academy August Everding in Munich. She has worked as a dramaturge since 2009, first at the Theater & Orchester Heidelberg, then at the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe and at the Landestheater Württemberg-Hohenzollern Tübingen Reutlingen (LTT), where one of her main areas of work became participatory theatre work. She has been a member of the board of the Dramaturgische Gesellschaft e.V. since 2017. From 2018 to 2022, she was head dramaturge and deputy artistic director at the Schauspiel of the Nationaltheater Mannheim. From season 23.24, she will lead the theater department at Theater Aachen.

Participates in

Das Portal – von Nis-Momme Stockmann

Die Nichtbesucherin. Etüden für ein Gebäude – Audiovisuelle Performance von POLLYESTER

House of Karls – von Dlé

Oppenhoff. Mohren. Cohn – mit Musik von Malcolm Kemp

The Indian Queens – nach John Dryden & Robert Howard

»ACH!« – Ein Kleist-Porträt – Soloabend mit Jonas Dumke

Why are you making theater?
Herd instinct. And because my view of it is constantly changing.
What kind of future do you dream of?
One of self-evident diversity, in which no one is threatened or excluded any more.
What is your favourite place in Aachen?
I'm happy to receive tips!