Isabelle Becker

→ Chefdramaturgin Musiktheater

Isabelle Becker
© Matthias Baus

Isabelle Becker, born in Wiesbaden in 1988, studied music theatre in Bayreuth and dramaturgy at the Theaterakademie in Hamburg. She worked as a dramaturg at the Koblenz Theatre in 12.13, at the Bremen Theatre from 2015 to 2021 and at the Darmstadt State Theatre from 2021 to 2023. She has worked with directors such as Marco Štorman, Paul-Georg Dittrich, Armin Petras, Tatjana Gürbaca, Schorsch Kamerun and Eva-Maria Höckmayr. She has directed and initiated festivals, worked as a freelance dramaturge and moves in her work between classical opera repertoire and new forms of music theatre. Since 2019, she has taken on teaching assignments at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg. With the 23.24 season, she will become head dramaturge for music theatre at Theater Aachen.

Participates in

Der gestiefelte Kater – Text von Néstor Luján

Die Zauberflöte – Text von Emanuel Schikaneder

Ernani – Text von Francesco Maria Piave nach dem Roman »Hernani« von Victor Hugo

Orphée aux enfers – Opéra-bouffon von Jacques Offenbach, Text von Hector Crémieux und Ludovic Halévy

Place Publique – von und mit Schorsch Kamerun mit Chormusik von Sebastian Schwab

The Indian Queens – nach John Dryden & Robert Howard

Why do you make theatre?
Because I firmly believe that experiencing theatre together has an emotional, narrative, discursive power that continues to have an effect after the performance.

What is your favourite place in Aachen?
The green, quiet Lousberg.

Who would you like to have dinner with?
With the composer Nadia Boulanger and all her guests in her Parisian salon (»Boulangerie«).