Ilka Giliga

Born and raised in a small city in Transylvania Romania. On one, seemingly indifferent morning at the age of 17, I woke up with the vision that I have to start drawing. And suddenly, this medium re-organized my life. Driven by a constant need of more inspiration and knowledge, I set and costume design at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and fashion design and tailoring at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. I started working in the field of theater design quite early, creating a lively social network, finding my voice, my style with every new project. As a freelancer, I find inspiration, energy and fulfillment in the ever-renewing cylce of the rituality of theater-making, trying to find or create systems in the ever-changing dynamics of it.
Why do you do theatre?
Freedom of the mind.
Where do you feel at home?
With plants around.
Who would you like to have dinner with?
Tilda Swinton.